[CMake] Why can't I change bug #4912 ?

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Fri Jul 20 23:27:57 EDT 2007

Alan W. Irwin wrote:
> On 2007-07-20 21:12-0400 David Cole wrote:
>> As an anti-"spam in the bug database" measure, only the reporter and the
>> owner of a bug are now allowed to change existing bugs... This was
>> implemented this week. Send email to the owner of the bug directly 
>> with the
>> new information.
> Have a lot of different spammers actually established accounts, logged in
> and persistently put spam in a lot of different bug reports?  Or is this
> some rare or hypothetical possibility that you are trying to guard 
> against?
We will try and come up with a better solution, but this is not an over 
we have had on going spam damage to the bug tracker at public.kitware.com.


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