[CMake] Copying Required Runtime Libraris (MSVC 2003)

Brandon Van Every bvanevery at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 14:34:20 EDT 2007

On 7/12/07, Mike Jackson <imikejackson at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll give you that, if you understand what you are looking for. Maybe
> I am new and I do not yet understand the terminology so I can not
> possibly hope to find something because I am simply not looking for
> the correct terms.

This is the general skill of Googling however, which all modern
software engineers have to master.  You guess at keywords, you get
some kind of search result, you pore over some docs, you refine your
search terms, until you finally nail it with something useful.  The
skill of Googling is strongly related to the skill of poring over
source trees to understand what's going on.  You can't survive in open
source land very long without mastering these skills.

> This is where and "index' comes in handy. I can
> start browsing the index and maybe something pops out at me, or maybe
> I _discover_ something that I didn't know.

Now having said that, I do point out that almost anyone using CMake
today is an "early adopter," with a psychology not shared by the
industry at large.  CMake documentation is good enough for early
adopters, but it doesn't pass muster for creating de facto standards
in the mass programming market.  The documentation has to get a *lot*
more professional for that to happen.  I believe in 3 years' time this
is going to start hurting CMake.  3 years is plenty enough time for
other build systems to catch up with CMake's technical capabilities.
Then it will be down to issues of usability and training.  If the docs
stay as they are, CMake will lose.

I am hoping that between now and then, someone can tell us that
there's a new footing we should all be putting the CMake docs on.  So
that the community can drive the evolution of the docs, and that it
isn't painful to do.

Brandon Van Every

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