[CMake] Copying Required Runtime Libraris (MSVC 2003)
Mike Jackson
imikejackson at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 12:15:39 EDT 2007
On Jul 12, 2007, at 8:59 AM, Brandon Van Every wrote:
> On 7/11/07, Mike Jackson <imikejackson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I was wondering if there is some magic command that I can use in
>> cmake
>> that will tell VS2003 to copy the c/c++ runtimes, and some Qt
>> libraries when doing an "Install". I seem to remember something about
>> ParaView does this.. just can not figure out where ParaView's Cmake
>> files are setting all this..
> The CMake 2.4.6 docs are partly helpful; searching for words like
> "install" is a good tactic.
> # InstallRequiredSystemLibraries:
> Hack for Visual Studio support Search for system runtime libraries
> based on the platform. This is not complete because it is used only
> for the release process by the developers.
> Cheers,
> Brandon Van Every
Docs.. Lets talk about that for a second.
The only place I found that command was if I did a 'cmake --help-
html /tmp/cmake.html' and then searched through the html file. I
actually found the macro by looking through the "modules"
installation directory at the filenames. That got me thinking about a
"better" way to do the CMake Docs. (They are decent, just not easily
1. The Totally Awesome way - Use all the new found knowledge of the
QtAssistant system and integrate the CMake docs into a QtAssistant
Module. Then there would be universal way to search/index the docs
and easily find what we are looking for.
2. The slightly better than what we have now way - I can get ALL the
commands in ONE html file or I can get individual commands as text
files. How about a set of HTML docs where we have a main page with a
frame with all the commands listed on one side and when you click on
the command the docs shows in the other frame. This would at least
allow one to peruse the list and maybe some up with something.
I think at this point I am going to generate the text files for each
of the commands. Then OS X can use spotlight to index the files.
Would be better if these commands were in HTML then I could basically
write a quick shell script to generate the doc set.
And before anyone asks me to "step up to the plate", I would be more
than happy to, just show me where in the code the HTML is being
produced and I'll make the changes.
Mike Jackson Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services
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