[CMake] SOURCE_GROUP does not function in Visual Studio 8

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Sat Feb 17 13:33:57 EST 2007

Bill Hoffman wrote:
> Matthieu Brucher wrote:
>> I tried the solution with '/', but Visual Studio does not understand 
>> '/' as a separator :|
>> I'm sure of the values of the variables as they are used to compile 
>> the project.
>> I'll try to post a complete example.
> I tried this before I sent the email out and it worked fine:
> source_group("Source Files/Fonts" foo.c)
I take it back, that does not work....

This will work:
source_group("Source Files2\\\\Fonts" ${atat_SOURCE_DIR}/@bill@/foo.c)

It seems there is a bug and you can not create a sub group of "Source 
Files" or "Header Files".


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