[CMake] IDE directly supporting CMakeLists.txt?

Alexander Neundorf a.neundorf-work at gmx.net
Wed Feb 7 02:44:41 EST 2007

Von: Mike Jackson <mike.jackson at imts.us>

>     Other than that, I don't have anything. I did make up a language  
> plugin for "TextMate" for those of you on OS X. There are some auto  
> completions available for it also and full (or at least as full as I  
> could get it.. ) syntax highlighting for cmake files. If anyone is  
> interested, email me off list.

How about putting this here:
http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Editors_Support ?

While looking at the page, what is this sentence supposed to express:
"UltraEdit (an approach) save the jpg as text: Image:Wordfile.jpg"


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