[CMake] How to find out the compiler directory?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Dec 30 12:41:12 EST 2007

On 30.12.07 18:09:49, Steven Van Ingelgem wrote:
> It's because CMake get the values from the registry ;-). So it's not
> known in the command line, but it's known to CMake... As opposed to
> *NIX, Windows is not 100% (insert a lot of healthy sarcasm) command
> line oriented.

Oh, how do you know it does that? Have you looked at CMake's sources?
I'd find that strange because cmake finds the compiler with a simple
"find_program" call in CMakeDetermineCXXCompiler.cmake and according to
its manual page that one doesn't search any registry keys. 

Neither does any file in cmake/Modules/ add a registry path that would
allow to find the entry for cl.exe. And last but not least: cl.exe is
not mentioned anywhere in the registry under Software/Microsoft/Visual
Studio/. Though of course there are paths there which can be used to
guess the bin dir for the compiler.

I may be just overlooking something, so if you've found the place then
please let me know.

But I can confirm that CMake does find cl in a pretty "empty"
environment. (one that only has standard paths and the cmake binary dir
in it)


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