[CMake] Re: Install of pattern matched files

Rodolfo Lima rodolfo at rodsoft.org
Fri Dec 28 16:57:45 EST 2007

Brandon Van Every escreveu:

> Do the REGEX and/or REGEX ... EXCLUDE signatures work?  If so, then
> this is a low priority feature request.  A PATTERN spares the
> programmer from having to learn how regexes work, but specifying these
> kinds of inclusions and exclusions with regexes is trivial.

REGEX / REGEX ... EXCLUDE doesn't work because it should also match each
subdirectory to be installed, so the most trivial REGEX ".*\\.[^h]"
EXCLUDE doesn't do the trick.

> Can't imagine why it wouldn't be.  You say it's easy to implement, and
> it's not controversial.

Maybe next year :)


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