[CMake] Migration to subversion
Hendrik Sattler
post at hendrik-sattler.de
Sat Dec 22 16:47:06 EST 2007
Am Samstag 22 Dezember 2007 schrieb Rodolfo Schulz de Lima:
> 1) changeset-oriented commits: that's what I miss the most. I want to know
> what has been changed in cmake since the last time I updated the tree.
> Currently with CVS I must watch what files were changed and do 'cvs log' on
> each. Subversion would make it easier since the whole tree is versioned,
> I'd have to do something like 'svn log' in the tree's root and peruse its
> output, easy.
Use "cvs2cl" and read the ChangeLog file that the command creates. I only know
it on Linux though. The result is pretty much the same as "svn log".
> 3) O(1) tagging and branching: that's mostly for developers, cvs does it
> O(n) (or more, dunno).
svn doesn't really do tagging and branching, it only does copies.
> 4) Better outputs. 'cvs status' throws up a lot of information, even on
> unmodified files. 'svn status' only shows modified files. 'svn diff'
> doesn't output non modified file names, unlike cvs' counterpart, etc.
The equivalent to "svn status" is "cvs -n up 2>/dev/null". The equivalent
of "svn diff" is "cvs diff -U" and does exactly the same.
For whatever means, you should use cvs-nt instead of original cvs, anyway.
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