Félix C. Morency felix.morency at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 16:46:47 EST 2007


Thank you for your precise answer. I will try this tomorrow. I have few
other questions for you:

1.0) Why isn't CMake doing this automatically ?
1.1) Is is just a CMake's missing feature or is there any technical issues ?
I think QMake does it for you isn't is ?
2.0) I'm sure Apple has plenty of reasons for doing libs handling this way
but is it only me or this is completly retard ?
2.1) I'm not sure but I don't think linux is working this way isn't it ?
2.2) Wouldn't it be easier just to install all the libs with CPack in
standard location (/usr/lib) if possible ?

Libs handling under OSX is a real PITA. I will give you my feedback soon.

Félix C. Morency

On Dec 4, 2007 4:08 PM, Mike Jackson <imikejackson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Welcome to the "can of worms" called "install_name_tool" on OS X.
> Yes, you can change 3rd party libs.. with one BIG caveat. Who ever
> compiled it needs to have compiled with the -Header_Pad_Max_install_Names
> (or something like that). If that was done then you should be able to change
> the library.
> Say we have a 3rd party lib "Foo". Lets run otool -L libFoo.dylib and see
> what we get.
>   /usr/local/lib/libFoo.dylib
>   /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
> So what we want to do is the following:
>  install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Plugins/libFoo.dylib MyApp.app
> /Contents/Plugins/libFoo.dylib
> That is the first part. Now we need to change the actual executable also.
>  install_name_tool -change
> /usr/local/lib/libFoo.dylib executable_path/../Plugins/libFoo.dylib
> MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/MyApp
> You can check things are correct by running:
>  otool -L MyApp.app/Contents/Plugins/libFoo.dylib
> otool -L MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/MyApp
> When you look at the output from those, the paths that refer to
> libFoo.dylib should all have @executable_path/../Plugins/libFoo.dylib in
> them.
> Shell scripts are great for this. I have some that I have made up just for
> this purpose. CMake configures them, then runs them after the build.
> Qt... Again.. that same thing as above BUT You have to correct each and
> every Qt library that you use PLUS make sure you get all the dependancies
> correct, ie, if your app depends on QtCore and QtGui. you have to make the
> following changes.
> Change MyApp to look for QtCore and QtGui in
> @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/QtCore
> Change the install_name on QtCore and QtGui to each
> be @executable_path/../Frameworks/[fill in the rest]
> Change QtGui to look for QtCore
> in @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/QtCore
> Sound like fun? It isn't. I submitted a bug to Trolltech to properly
> support this and got a reply that basically said install_name does not exist
> on OS X? Huh?
> You are welcome to look at the following locations and take what ever you
> want/need to get your build to work.
> This script does some of the above for some 3rd party libs that I use in
> my app
> <
> http://titanium.imts.us/viewvc/Task_7/MXADataModel/Resources/PackageMXALibsForOSXAppBundle.sh.in?view=markup
> >
> This script attempts to do everything for QtCore and QtGui also.
> <
> http://titanium.imts.us/viewvc/Task_7/MXATools/Resources/PackageQt4ForOSXAppBundle.sh.in?view=markup
> >
> Hope some of that helps.
> --
> Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
> Innovative Management & Technology Services
> On Dec 4, 2007, at 3:51 PM, Félix C. Morency wrote:
> Hi,
> The INSTALL_NAME_DIR is a string specifying the directory portion of the
> "install_name" field of shared libraries on Mac OSX to use in the installed
> targets (as taken from the current documentation). Is there any way of
> setting this property on a third party lib ? I checked the current CVS
> CMake's examples (Bundle and Framework) and I couldn't find an positive
> answer about third party libraries (I installed mine in Content/Plugins). If
> not, if there any other way to include third party libs within the bundle
> and make the application find it ?
> I also installed Qt's framework within my bundle with the INSTALL(
> DIRECTORY...) command. Is there any better way to do this ?
> I think the current tools work great with CMake generated
> libs/projects/framework but I think there is a lack in third
> libs/projects/framework party inclusion support.
> Regards,
> Félix C. Morency
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