[CMake] Using icc on Windows

Alexia Rodríguez Ruano arodriguez at mce.hggm.es
Thu Apr 19 11:22:11 EDT 2007

I tried  to run 'cmakesetup CC=icl CXX=icl'  from 
a command line. After chosing the platform Visual 
Studio CMAKE_C_COMPILER was set to the Intel 
compiler as I wanted, but  CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER 
remainned set to cl . I modify ot to icl.exe. 
Click on configure and the OK, however when I 
open the solution on Visual Studio the project is 
not configurated to be compiled with INTEL Compiler.

At 04:44 PM 19-04-07, Bill Hoffman wrote:
>Alexia Rodríguez Ruano wrote:
>>I have a similar problem. I would like to build 
>>ITK usingthe Intel compiler for Visual studio 
>>platform. However when I chooose the platform 
>>Visual Studio on CMake, it uses the cc compiler 
>>by default, and not the intel one. If you 
>>change the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER later it has no 
>>effect. I Know that on unix yo can solve it using
>>the environment variable CC.
>>What can I do from Windows
>You can do the same thing on windows.  You can 
>either run cmakesetup from a command line, or 
>you can set CC and CXX in the system variables 
>for the user.  I think there is also a way to 
>modify visual studio IDE so that it will use the 
>intel compiler by default.  In that case you can 
>just use the ide generator in cmake to create project files that will use icc.

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