[CMake] Re: Avoiding convenience libs

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Apr 17 17:55:44 EDT 2007

Pascal Fleury wrote:
> In a move to avoid convenience libraries, I have tried to store a list of 
> files into a variable ("utils_SRCS"), and reuse this var in each target that 
> would normally link to the convenience lib (potentially compiling these 
> source files multiple times, but that is not the issue here).
> [snip file list]
> ---src/CMakeLists.txt---------
> ---src/utils/CMakeLists.txt---------
> SET(utils_SRCS a.cpp b.cpp)
> ---src/mylib/CMakeLists.txt---------
> ADD_LIBRARY(mylib l1.cpp l2.cpp main.cpp ${utils_SRCS} )
> But now, in src/mylib/CMakeLists.txt, the ${utils_SRCS} is always empty, 
> resulting in missing symbols when linking. I have tried to print some STATUS 
> messages, and the control flow between the cmake scripts is what I expect, 
> but the variable is defined only in the src/utils/CMakeLists.txt, after that, 
> it's gone. What is the logic behind this ?

WAG: variables only propogate to children, not siblings (i.e. 'not to 
later CMakeLists.txt's that are not children)? IOW, try moving your 
SET() up to a common parent.

(hmm, an appropriate .sig...)
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