[CMake] [CPack] Creating .deb package

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 11:37:25 EDT 2007

2007/4/11, Mathieu Malaterre <mathieu.malaterre at gmail.com>:
> Hello there,
>   I am currently looking to create .deb (debian package) for a project
> using CMake. As far as I understand I have two options:
> 1. Use dh_make and follow a couple of steps so that dh_make(*) will
> drive the build of the package, or
> 2. The structure of a .deb package is fairly simple (**). Which make
> is very close to a .tgz generated by CPack (+ some text file,
> everything archive in a single file). I would simply need to add some
> post cpack operation to archieve this.
> Anyone else has done a CMake2Deb script ?

I don't know for .deb but I'm really interested in what you
will do (and may help/test if useful).

Personnally I would go for option 1) and keep it CMake scripts.
I think option 2) may lead you  to C++ code of CPack which is
a valuable (may be more powerful) option, but I think it would
be more painful to maintain/debug/update.

I did something "similar" to opiotn 1) for RPM:

1) Run cpack for generating .tgz (source or binary)
2) Run custom command in order to create
    (or use an home-brewed) RPM .spec file
3) Run rpmbuild tools which use .tgz and .spec

You end up adding something like:

to your CMakeLists.txt and you get 2 makefile (custom) target


You may look at the following file if you want to see detail:


hope this helps

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