Fwd: [CMake] Adding cross-compiler support to CMake ...

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Fri Sep 8 16:55:18 EDT 2006

At 04:33 PM 9/8/2006, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

>How should all that work when cross-compiling ?
>The FindFoo.cmake files as far as I can see cannot and are not written to find libraries in strange directories for cross-compiling.
>All the values could be set manually by hand, but this is not really doable for a project with so many checks.

There are the environment variables that the find_* stuff uses. As long
as NO_DEFAULT_PATH is not used, that should be able to change the places that things
are looked for.   The tricky part would be the library extensions and stuff,
but still doable.


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