[CMake] File Globbing

Matthew Campbell Matthew.Campbell at emergent.net
Thu Oct 26 23:22:56 EDT 2006

Ah, that's perfect. Thanks. I was thinking that the CMake glob function would
get a list of files and run the a regular expression over the list. But the
method you suggested is great.



-----Original Message-----
From: Tristan Carel [mailto:tristan.carel at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:41 PM
To: Matthew Campbell
Cc: CMake ML
Subject: Re: [CMake] File Globbing

On 10/26/06, Matthew Campbell <Matthew.Campbell at emergent.net> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> So to warn you, this is really more of a regular expression question than a
> cmake question but since the problem is in a cmake script I thought you
> may cut me some slack. J  In any case, I have a situation where my source
> directory contains the following:
> Something.cpp
> SomethingElse.cpp
> File_Win32.cpp
> File_Linux.cpp
> File_Mac.cpp
> What I want to do is glob for all files not having an _Win32, or a _Linux,
> etc. and then in the cmake script based on which OS I'm on, glob for the
> appropriate OS specific files. I assuming CMake can support this just fine
> since I believe FILE (GLOB []) takes a regular expression. Could someone
> tell me what the regex. Is for this operation?
> The results should be: PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT_SOURCES = Something.cpp
> SomethingElse.cpp
>                                  WIN32_SOURCES =
> File_Win32.cpp
> The PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT_SOURCES is the part I am having troubles with
> figuring out the regular expression for.

Globbing is quiet different from regular expressions.

I guess FILE(GLOB variable expression) has the same behavior than the
shell globbing:

I guess extended patterns available in bash (with the `extglob' shell
option) are not managed by CMake. So as you can see, it is far from
beeing as powerful as regular expressions. But we can use the strength
of CMake:

FILE(GLOB Mac_CPP "*_Mac.cpp")
FILE(GLOB Win32_CPP "*_Win32.cpp")
FILE(GLOB Linux_CPP "*_Linux.cpp")

FILE(GLOB Common_CPP "*.cpp")
LIST(REMOVE_ITEM Common_CPP ${Mac_CPP} ${Win32_CPP} ${Linux_CPP})

Mac Sources: ${Mac_CPP}
Win32 Sources: ${Win32_CPP}
Linux Sources: ${Linux_CPP}
Common Sources: ${Common_CPP}")

I don't see how to make 'globbing' patterns which can:
- find .h and .cpp
- find files which do NOT contain a specific pattern.
I'm interesting if you see a way to do it.

==> you have to duplicate entries for each set of files:
FILE(GLOB Mac_CPP "*_Mac.cpp")
FILE(GLOB Mac_H "*_Mac.h")
LIST(APPEND Mac_Sources ${Mac_CPP} ${Mac_H})

I hope this will help you.
Tristan Carel
One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.

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