[CMake] Could somebody please explain how caching works with NOTFOUND variables?

Alexander Neundorf a.neundorf-work at gmx.net
Wed Oct 18 16:54:29 EDT 2006

Von: "Alan W. Irwin" <irwin at beluga.phys.uvic.ca>

> Well, obviously I am missing something because FindSWIG.cmake actually
> sets 
> SWIG_DIR:PATH=/usr/share/swig1.3 in CMakeCache.txt for my platform so
> could
> somebody explain how my mental model of caching is incorrect?  Are FALSE
> variable values such as "SWIG_DIR-NOTFOUND" allowed to be overwritten by
> FIND_PATH even though they are cached from a previous FIND_PATH call? 
> Is there a general rule I can use to always predict the results of
> trying to overwrite variables that have been cached by one of the FIND
> commands?

The find_xxx() calls try to load the value from the cache. If it's not there they try to find the stuff. If it's in the case but it contains "NOTFOUND" they search again. This way if something wasn't found and you install the lib it searches the next time again and will find it.


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