[CMake] Problem selecting Qt3 or Qt4

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Mon Oct 9 12:13:09 EDT 2006

At 10:59 AM 10/9/2006, Matthieu Brucher wrote:
>The assumption made is that your environment is set up correctly to build the qt version you 
>want to use.  This means that the correct qmake should be in your PATH.  If you type
>which qmake, that is the one cmake will pick.
>My environment is set up correctly, only I have to type qmake-qt4 instead of qmake, because qmake is for Qt3.3 - I checked that before sending my first mail ;) -, and qmake is checked first instead of qmake-qt4 in FindQt4 :(

OK, for systems that have the (non QT standard) qmake-qt4.  I have a fix in CVS CMake that should
do the trick and work if qmake (from qt3) and qmake-qt4 are in your PATH.   


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