[CMake] resetting CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE
Eric Noulard
eric.noulard at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 05:32:29 EST 2006
<< re-sending to ML with complement >>
The result of the check may be cached.
If you install/remove software on which your build depends
I think the better you have to do is to throw the CMake cache all together
and re-run CMake in a pristine build tree.
The CMake cache file is:
CMakeCache.txt in your build tree.
It seems there is "include cache" files too but I don't
know how they are used by CMake.
Those files are
If you use separate build tree and source tree
the better/simpliest is to:
a) remove the entire build tree
b) re-run cmake
c) rebuild
Trying to PARTIALLY rebuild after installing dependencies
does not look like a good idea from my point of view.
2006/11/7, Peter Soetens <peter.soetens at fmtc.be>:
> A usecase I have:
> The user runs 'cmake', a header is not found. The user installs the missing
> library. The user runs cmake again. The CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE does no longer
> check if the file is present. It is again not found !
> Is there a way to 'reset' the checking behaviour of CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE such
> that it is done every time ??
> Thanks,
> Peter
> --
> Peter Soetens -- FMTC -- <http://www.fmtc.be>
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