[CMake] Cmake and VTK 5.0

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Mar 14 10:23:11 EST 2006

Philippe Poilbarbe wrote:
> I have just installed VTK 5.0 under Linux and this version breaks the 
> FindVTK.cmake mechanism used to find vtk.
> FindVTK.cmake (from CMake 2.2.3) tries to find vtk from the path entries 
> in directories ../lib/vtk but VTK installs itself in lib/vtk-5.0
> Attached there is a file named FindVTK5.cmake which overcome the problem 
> (it may not be very accurate in all cases but for our environment it 
> works), so we do now:
> instead of
> As it is written it finds VTK 5 and previous versions

Thanks for the fixes.  I'll look at including them when I get a chance.


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