[CMake] Building static libraries fails to remove properly

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Wed Mar 8 16:04:46 EST 2006

At 03:57 PM 3/8/2006, Kevin Ballard wrote:

>>>Oh, and the output of `cmake --version` is "cmake version 2.2- patch 3".
>>This has been fixed in cvs cmake.
>The cmake I'm using is a source drop in our local perforce repository  
>and it's used by a bunch of projects. It's not very safe for me to  
>simply upgrade that cmake, especially to something that's not even a  
>stable release. Can you point me to a specific changeset or patch  
>that would fix this in my current version?

Sorry, I don't think I can do that.  They are in several places, and
the code has been moved around a bit making diffs hard.
We are trying to get a new release out soon....


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