[CMake] "simple test program" does not consider LINK_DIRECTORIES

che-ranking at arcor.de che-ranking at arcor.de
Wed Jul 26 05:40:09 EDT 2006

Hi everyone,

I want to build a Project on windows. This poject uses CMAKE when built on windows (it uses another system on unix/linux systems). I cannot build the project with CMAKE cause it fails to build a "simple test program". The reason for that is that the Linker can't find 'user32.lib'. In my case this file is located in a directory different than MSVC++ because I am using the free MSVC++ Express Edition (so user32.lib is in the directory of the MS Platform SDK). So I thought "No problem, just use LINK_DIRECTORIES to add the SDK directory to the search path for libraries". But this doesn't work. The "simple test program", which seems to be needed by the PROJECT command, is still linked without the SDK directories.

Does anyone have a clue how to fix that?

Thanks in advance,

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