[CMake] Fwd: CMAKE + SWIG + more wrapped languages

James Bigler bigler at cs.utah.edu
Mon Jul 24 12:19:11 EDT 2006

> Daniel,
> This works but I then run into a long known issue with the CMake SWIG macro, i.e. the dependencies don't handle files included by SWIG using the %include.  I believe there is a ticket opened for this issue.

Yes, this is quite annoying.  I've been looking at trying to implement the "work 
around" described in this ticket.


This is the source code for the hack, but you will have to dig it out.  I'm 
still trying to decipher the relevant code and make a simple macro that does 
what I think it should.  I'll post that code as soon as I get something working, 
unless someone else has some....



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