[CMake] [Fwd: [Insight-users] Cmake - QT : moc problem]

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Fri Jan 6 12:48:19 EST 2006

At 03:30 AM 1/6/2006, Hugo Gratama van Andel wrote:
>Dear CMake users,
>I send you a message that appeared on the Itk-user list. I experienced the same error as described below. CMake 2.2.3 was not able to create the makefile correctly on a Linux system, while the previous version(s) of CMake were. Have the semantics of QT_WRAP_CPP changed?
>thanks in advance,

The big change in 2.2.3 is that you have to do ${VAR} and not just VAR.
So, this:

Should be

Are you using qt3 or qt4?  For qt4 there are new commands to do
the wrapping stuff.  See FindQt4.cmake for more information.


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