[CMake] HowTo build one Linux binary set for all platforms?

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Apr 18 10:43:25 EDT 2006

Matt England wrote:
> At 4/13/2006 10:42 AM, Matt England wrote:
>> I see that CMake does provide a "single-binary" set for all Linux 
>> platforms:
>> http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.2/cmake-2.2.3-x86-linux.tar.gz
>> How is this done?
> After a few days' posting and research, some references I found follow.  
> Alas, there seems to be no clear-cut consensus.  I'm still interested to 
> know how CMake builds their "one-binary-set" distribution for Linux (as 
> per above).
> http://www.linuxbase.org/
> http://www.linuxbase.org/futures/collab/index.html
> http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/11/24/2230256&threshold=1
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.unix.programmer/browse_frm/thread/f6bd667f4f18c98c 

We have a least-common-denominator Linux system.  We build the needed 
system libraries statically (such as curses).  We build our own gcc 
using the --disable-shared configure script option to avoid getting a 
shared C++ library.  Look in the Utilities/Release directory at the 
config_* files and the cmake_release.sh script for other details.


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