[CMake] Two suggestions...

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Wed Sep 14 13:44:17 EDT 2005

Shishir Ramam wrote:
> I have been using cmake and am very happy with it use for cross platform
> building.
> Some suggestions on improvements - didn't think these qualified as bugs,
> so here's the email!
> 1. For ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND, the comment is annoyingly enclosed between
>     "Building (comment here) target_name..."
>    It is difficult to construct a sentence that makes sense on the build 
> output. In this case
>    I have only tested the NMake generator.

This has been changed in CMake 2.2 but now I think the comment is used 
only for documentation in the Makefiles.  The build output just says 
"Generating my_output.txt".  If this behavior is not acceptable feel 
free to report a bug:


> 2. It would perhaps be useful to have an area on the Cmake site for user 
> scripts.
>    Something like http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/index.php where 
> users can
>    contribute scripts that might be useful to others. It'd save tons of 
> time to get
>    common functionality that might not be provided by Cmake or enclosed 
> modules
>    themselves.

That sounds like a good idea.  You could create a section in the Wiki 
for it:



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