[CMake] Using ITK in networks

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Mar 29 08:51:05 EST 2005

Martin Groher wrote:
> I’m actually trying to not always install ITK on every machine in our 
> lab and thus offer a network path that has the whole ITK package 
> compiled, with header files etc.
> However, Cmake is creating absolute paths, for instance in the 
> ITKConfig.cmake or other files. Is there a possibility to make 
> everything relatively to the directory where the system variable ITK_DIR 
> points to? Then one could use all ITK binaries via network.

This is not possible.  Paths generated from the build process are 
encoded in more than just the build files.  Debug symbols, for example, 
have the paths to the source files built in but a debugger tool would 
not know to evaluate the environment variable to expand the path.  There 
are several other places in which the paths are hard-coded.

The only reliable way to build software for network use is to make sure 
all machines mount the disk in the same place so that the path is the 
same on all machines.  This is easy on UNIX systems because symlinks can 
be used to make the paths look the same even if the mount locations are 
different.  On windows networks you'll have to mount everything on the 
same drive letter, or just use full network paths: //machine/path/to/itk 
should be the same on all machines.


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