[CMake] debug & optimized

Martin Groher groher at in.tum.de
Fri Mar 11 04:39:18 EST 2005


I’ve created a library with CMake called 'viewers'. Now, I want to link
against this lib in another CMake project, but, on WIN32, I want to use the
debug lib in DEBUG mode and the optimized lib in RELEASE mode. 

Lib viewers: Since I don't know the path in advance where to find the libs
(and I don't want to add the path to the PATH-variable), I would like to
copy the created libs to a dedicated directory (viewers/lib). Now, in WIN32,
I would like to have two libs there, viewers.lib and viewersD.lib. Then I
could just used the optimized/debug keywords in the other project to link
against these libs. 

I tried to create a post-build command to copy the created viewer libs to
the viewers/lib directory, but here, I cannot tell which lib I'm copying,
debug or optimized. Since the debug/release libs have the same name, I don't
know how to do that since the keywords debug/optimized just hold for the
Is there some way to create different custom commands for debug/optimized
mode? Or any other way to somehow tell CMake how to distinguish created libs
within the same project?


Martin Groher
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP)
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin
Institut für Informatik I16
TU München
fon: +49 89 289-17071
mail: groher at in.tum.de

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