[CMake] How do I install targets?

wedekind wedekind at caesar.de
Thu Aug 11 12:49:11 EDT 2005

Hello all,

I want to set up nightly builds with cmake and dart2. The nightly build
includes a build of the ALL_BUILD-target of my project followed by a build
of the INSTALL target which copies the created files into the install tree
and creates a tarball archive from it. Unfortunately I can only submit one
build-result to the dart2-server per day (the one result of the current
nightly build). But I would like to see the result of the
installation/deployment too...

I do not only want to build the sources, but also want to create the
installable archive file (e.g. a tarball) from the compiled sources in one
step. How do I do this (call ALL_BUILD which automatically triggers

Do I have to throw away all the great INSTALL_TARGET-support of cmake and
add a POST_BUILD custom command that copies the created files to the install



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