William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Fri Oct 29 22:55:36 EDT 2004



Basically, ADD_DEPENDENCIES is only used to set depend information
between two targets.   A custom command that is not tied to a target
will not actually do anything.   The way to tie it to a target is to
have a target that depends on the output of the command.

You may also want to look here:


If you create a custom target that depends on the output of the custom
command it will work.


At 09:52 PM 10/29/2004, Lars Pechan wrote:
>Hi there,
>Can someone please tell me why this doesn't work?
>SET(EXE /tmp)
># Create the docs:
>  OUTPUT ${EXE}/test.doc
>  COMMAND echo
>  ARGS "blablabla" > ${EXE}/test.doc
>ADD_EXECUTABLE(test test.cpp)
>ADD_DEPENDENCIES(test ${EXE}/test.doc)
>In the generated makefile there is a  target generated for /tmp/test.doc but the dependency isn't there. So a make doesn't generate the doc-file but a 'make /tmp/test.doc' works fine.
>I've tried this under CMake 2.0.5 on both Windows and MacOSX as well as 2.0.3 on Linux. I'm assuming I've misunderstood what cmake is supposed to do here?
>(And yes, two possible workarounds are SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES with OBJECT_DEPENDS or a custom command with POST_BUILD but I'd really like to understand why ADD_DEPENDENCIES doesn't do it?)
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