[CMake] Dependencies

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Wed Oct 20 11:13:39 EDT 2004

If Lib_A does not exist, i.e. the first time build, cmake makefiles will
jump over and build Lib_A.  But if you want it to always check, then 
you must run make from project_root.  Otherwise the make would be jumping all over
the place and check depend info too much.  All that being said, at some point
we are going to try not using recursive make, and having one big makefile that
drives everything, and all these issues may go away.


At 10:56 AM 10/20/2004, Simon Drouin wrote:
>I have the following directory structure:
>Where App_A and App_B contain executable code and Lib_A and Lib_B contain code to generate a library. Both applications depend on both libraries. Is it possible that the Makefile (or project) generated by CMake in App_A calls Lib_A or Lib_B' s Makefile to make sure it is up-to-date?

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