[CMake] Re: Out of source build and KDevelop

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Mon Oct 18 10:32:00 EDT 2004

At 10:08 AM 10/18/2004, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>> When you load the project into kdevelop, and you load the top level 
>> project, does it also load the other projects?   Why do you want 
>> them all to be called CMake?   
>Well, I don't really want them all to be called CMake. That's just the best
>way I 
>found until now. 
>> For example, cmake contains the Curl project 
>> as a sub project.   Why should you load the project CMAke to build Curl? 
>> How does kdevelop treat these sub-projects?  Does it load them all when 
>> you load the top one?    
>"Loading the project" mainly defines the directory in which to call make. So
>will be "made" too. 
>So, two points: finding better names for the project files and including all
>files of sub-projects in upper projects, right ? 

Yes, that sounds good.  To get the correct names, I think you have
to move the code to the global generator and basically remove the kdevelop3
local generator.

Here are the changes I would like to see:

1. move cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator::CollectSubprojects() and the map
 m_SubProjectMap  to the parent class cmGlobalGenerator so you can
use it in the kdevelop global generator.

// The function looks like this:
// populate the m_SubProjectMap 
void cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator::CollectSubprojects()
  unsigned int i;
  for(i = 0; i < m_LocalGenerators.size(); ++i)
    std::string name = m_LocalGenerators[i]->GetMakefile()->GetProjectName();
    std::vector<std::string> const& pprojects 
      = m_LocalGenerators[i]->GetMakefile()->GetParentProjects();
    for(unsigned int k =0; k < pprojects.size(); ++k)

2. Add a Generate method to the kdevlop global generator:

void cmGlobalKdevelopGenerator::Generate()
  this->CollectSubprojects(); // call the parent class to fill m_SubProjectMap
   // Create a kdevlop3 project for each project in the project:

  for(it = m_SubProjectMap.begin(); it!= m_SubProjectMap.end(); ++it)
    this->OutputKDevelop3Project(it->second[0], it->second);

3.  Implement OutputKDevelop3Project something like this:

cmGlobalKdevelopGenerator::OutputKDevelop3Project(cmLocalGenerator* root,
                                std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>& generators)
  // root is the top level project where you get the project name from
  std::string fname = root->GetMakefile()->GetStartOutputDirectory();
  fname += "/";
  fname += root->GetMakefile()->GetProjectName();

   // then collect up all the files in all the targets in the generators
   // vector.  This will contain the list of local generators for 
   // all sub projects of root


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