[Cmake] Basic questions
Michael T. Wagner
Michael T. Wagner" <mtw at shared-reality.com
Thu, 25 Mar 2004 20:40:41 +0100
Hi there,
if you just want to group the files into different folders I think you have
to use the FILES option with SOURCE_GROUP.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernhard Glück" <bernhard at realspace.org>
To: <cmake at www.cmake.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:02 PM
Subject: [Cmake] Basic questions
> Hi !
> We recently tried out several make tools and found cmake to be the best
> fit for our purposes.
> However we seem to be unable to achieve the following ( short
elaboration )
> Our project is comprised of a single big source tree. Subdivided into
> namespaces and correspondig directories.. e.g
> Source\Fr .. Root Source Directory
> Source\Fr\Core .. Core source direcotry
> Source\Fr\Core\Platform Platform module of core
> Source\Fr\Core\Platform\Win32 Win32 specifics of platform module.
> Source\Fr\Core\Math Math module of core.
> Each of those directories correspond to a namespace too e.g All headers in
> Fr\Core\Platform are in the namespace Fr::Core::Platform
> Ok what we want to achieve now is to generate a Shared Library for each
> top level package ( those unter Source\Fr )
> this works fine..
> However for each further subdirectory we want to have a folder in our VC
> project file too e.g it should look like this
> in the solution view:
> Project: Fr.Core
> Folders:
> Platform
> Platform\Win32
> Math
> However we can.t seem to achieve that using the source commands and
> SOURCE_GROUP does not seem to work either...
> Any help on this ?
> --
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