[Cmake] CMake Configuration Problem

Richard Wackerbarth rkw at Dataplex.Net
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 12:19:25 -0600

On Mar 16, 2004, at 11:06 AM, Andy Cedilnik wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> Since I do not have enough information, it is a bit hard for me to
> answer. The simples answer, though, is that since CMake is fairly
> powerful scripting language, you can have bad input files or good input
> files. So, it is possible to write CMakeLists.txt files that will work
> in source but not out of source and the other way around.
> 		Andy

Thanks for your reply. The CMake configuration in question is the one 
in the CMake repository that rebuilds CMake itself. 
(CMake/CMakeLists.txt, etc.)

It is my feeling that either the Dart-controlled rebuild should work 
when the cmake_source_dir is the same as the cmake_binary_dir OR there 
should be tests in the CMakeLists.txt that cause an error when one 
attempts a build with only one common directory for both source and 