[Cmake] wxWindows module questions

Jan Woetzel jw at mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de
Fri, 05 Mar 2004 08:37:22 +0100

Hi Eric,
I (re-)wrote the files for Windows and Linux last year.

>... it looks like the
>Windows version will let you select between linking to
>the Debug versions of the library or the Release
>versions. I was wondering, why doesn't the Unix
>version allow this too? 
On Linux/Unix debug and release library are the same name and thus must 
reside in different directories.
You can select a specific build with the WXWIN environment variable.

On MS Windows debug and release libraries have different names. Debug 
has a 'd' suffix, e.g. library wx -> wxd.
So FindwxWindows tries to find all available version and you have to 
decide for one of them during cmake/configure to set the correct library 

>Second, a more general CMake question, why is it that
>only 2 of the WXWINDOWS variables are visible (and
>settable) in my Cmake Advanced Options menu. 
- I thought the others weren't neccessary and would confuse the 'user'.

FYI: I never tested with MAC/OSX you may need add OSX/MAC specific stuff 
to FindwxWindows.cmake.

Best regards,


  Dipl.-Ing. Jan Woetzel
  University of Kiel
  Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
  Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 3 [room 401]
  24098 Kiel/Germany
  Phone +49-431-880-1418
  Fax   +49-431-880-4054
  Mob.  +49-179-2937346
  Url   www.mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~jw
  Email jw at mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de