[Cmake] CmakeLists.txt cannot find VXL MUL stuff
durucan at web.de
durucan at web.de
Thu, 4 Mar 2004 13:18:19 +0100
<html><style>p {margin: 0px}</style><body style='font-size:9pt; font-family:Verdana; font-family: Verdana' ><P>Hi</P><P>I just implemented a stereo algorithm. Now I would like to extend it with some modified MUL/vimt algorithms. The stereo algorithm for itself runs well but however once I include MUL (e.g. vimt etc) stuff I can't find the included headers etc.</P><P> </P><P>Any help is appreciated!</P><P>Thank you very much Emrullah</P><P>Here is my CMakeLists.txt:</P><P>PROJECT (stereo)</P><P>FIND_PACKAGE( VXL )<BR>IF(VXL_FOUND)<BR> INCLUDE(${VXL_CMAKE_DIR}/UseVXL.cmake)<BR>ELSE(VXL_FOUND)<BR> MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR<BR> "Cannot BUILD without VXL. Please find VXL_DIR")<BR>ENDIF(VXL_FOUND)</P><P>SET ( StereoBase_sources <BR> stereo.cpp stereo.h<BR> vimt_dog_pyramid_D.txx vimt_dog_pyramid_D.h)</P><P>AUX_SOUR!
CE_DIRECTORY(Templates StereoBase_sources)</P><P><BR>ADD_EXECUTABLE(stereo dense_matcher_full.cxx ${StereoBase_sources})<BR>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(stereo vtol vimt vdgl vgl vil vil1 vil_algo vil_io vnl vgl vgel rsdl )</P><P> </P><P>In the Templates directory I have the file vimt_dog_pyramid_D+float-.cxx with:</P><P>#include <src/vimt_dog_pyramid_D.txx><BR>VIMT_DOG_PYRAMID_D_INSTANTIATE(float);<BR><BR></P></body></html>
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