[Cmake] Just repeatly show warning message and nothing done when I build my project

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:00:10 -0500

This can happen if your cmakelist files write a file that is 
included by cmake.  Or, it could be a bug in cmake.
One thing you can do is run make -d > output.  This will
create a large output file, but it should show you which file
is out of date that is causing the problem.   Another problem
could be a bad time on the system clock and an nfs mounted disk
with a different time.


At 03:04 PM 1/29/2004, Shunming Fang wrote:
>Hello, Andy,
>today, I try to recompile my project( I didn't touch it for a long time)
>from scratch on and the source code is cvs version on mandrake 9.1 and
>cmake1.8, I outsource built my project. the very strange thing happen after
>my configuring those macro definition using ccmake and make:
>cmake just show the following message repeatly and nothing be done:
>Building dependencies. cmake depends...
>Building CMakeCache.txt because
>---check for working c compiler: gcc -- works
>---check for working cxx compiler: c++ -- works
>---configuring done
>---Generating done
>and my coworker didn't have such problem. What is wrong with that? my
>machine or cmake in my machine? or any hint?
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Andy Cedilnik" <andy.cedilnik at kitware.com>
>To: "David Svoboda" <xsvobod2 at informatics.muni.cz>
>Cc: <cmake at www.cmake.org>
>Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 10:58 AM
>Subject: Re: [Cmake] Macro definition
>> Hi David,
>> FIND_LIBRARY is not macro but command. Yes, there is sort of arbitrary
>> distinction, but maybe at some point we will allow macros to take
>> variable number of arguments.
>> Andy
>> On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 11:50, David Svoboda wrote:
>> > On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Andy Cedilnik wrote:
>> > Well, in this case, I'd like to study the definition of FIND_LIBRARY
>> > macro, because this macro is capable of maintaining variable number of
>> > arguments and it does not require >>"<< sign when calling this macro
>> > any arguments.
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