[Cmake] VTK : out of source build HELP !!!!
William A. Hoffman
billlist at nycap.rr.com
Wed, 21 Jan 2004 15:01:50 -0500
This is really a question for the VTK list.
You may want to see VTK/Examples/vtkLocal and VTK/Examples/vtkMy.
At 02:56 PM 1/21/2004, Yi-Yu Chou wrote:
>Dear all,
>I tried to build my own vtk class, and I succeeded to do it.
>The way I did is :
>I saved my files vtkLocalExample.h and vtkLocalExample.cxx under /VTK/Filtering
>Edit CMakeLists.txt
>Add one line : vtkLocalExample.cxx to this file below vtkImageToImageFilter.cxx
>Goto VTK/
>run make Then I got libvtkLocalPython.so in /VTK/bin
>But I have a problem now. I want to build this class in a "out-of-source" location.
>How should I do that ?
>What're the folders needed to be moved to this local location ?
>How to change the options when running ccmake . ?
>And how to edit the CMakeLists.txt ?
>Please help me !!!
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