[Cmake] How do you get Cmake to work with MinGW?

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Thu, 15 Jan 2004 09:21:51 -0500

OK, I just checked, and the makefiles have this in them:
SHELL = /bin/sh.

There are if statements in that use shell commands in the makefiles.
I am not sure if there is a way around this.   All makes use
a shell to run commands.  nmake uses cmd.com and gnumake uses
/bin/sh.   The makefiles generated by cmake are complicated enough
that we require the use of an if command that is not part of make itself.
What shell is used by MAME's makefiles?

You could try using nmake with gcc from mingw as the compiler.
If you set CXX to c++.exe and CC to gcc.exe then run CMakeSetup
it should use them.  I am not sure if they will be able to understand
the paths used, but you could try.

At 08:51 AM 1/15/2004, Eric Wing wrote:
>Interesting...but it's not working for me. gcc.exe and
>mingw32-make.exe are in my path. But when the build
>starts, I get an error...something about an
>exclamation mark which I don't understand. Below is my
>dos shell output.