[CMake] Infinite checks for CMakeCache.txt

Nils H.Busch nilsb at mail.cns.mpg.de
Tue Dec 21 08:25:40 EST 2004

 billlist at nycap.rr.com wrote:
> Most of the time this is caused by CMake writing one of its input files
and not using a copy on different.  If you look in the Makefiles you will
see a CMAKE_MAKEFILE_SOURCES, check to see if your CMakeLists files are
writing any of those input files.

Thanks. That is indeed the case.

In my top-level CMakeLists.txt, I run a FIND_PACKAGE(xxx) for my
third-party package, which in turn parses the respective third-party
config	 file and transforms the variable value pairs into CMake variables
and values and writes them into a file.

The question is now, how can  I write this file from CMakeLists without
causing this error. I tried moving accessing the written variables into
sub directory CMakeLists.txt, copying the written file to another one via
CONFIGURE_FILE and using that file, but the error remains.

Maybe, there is an altogether different approach to extracting variables
and their values from other projects' makefiles, more CMake compliant.
I guess to solve my specific problem, it would need to do some pattern
matching and replacing to adjust the way variables are set and accessed.
Right now, I use a little perl script that does the pattern matching run
from the above Findxxx.cmake and write the found variable,value pairs in
CMake notation to file there.

Any suggestions appreciated.

  Nils H. Busch 

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