[Cmake] minGW +Windows XP + buidling vtk

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 10:10:33 -0400

Matt Schmiermund wrote:
> It turns out I'm an idiot and I should have done a
> google search first...
> http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2003-December/004547.html
> So now when I run "cmakesetup" from a command prompt I
> get cmake to work fine, but the makefile had '/'
> slashes in the paths instead of '\'. So after changing
> all of those in both the Makefile and the
> CMakeChache.txt I ran make again and got the following
> errors.
> CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
> C:/vtksource/Common/CMakeLists.txt:223:
> Unknown CMake command "VTK_MAKE_INSTANTIATOR2".
> And this happens for all of the CMakeLists.txt files
> in each directory.
> Line 223 looks like:
> VTK_MAKE_INSTANTIATOR2(vtkCommonInstantiator
> CommonInstantiator_SRCS
>                        ${Common_SRCS}
>                        EXPORT_MACRO VTK_COMMON_EXPORT
>                        HEADER_LOCATION
> Again any help would be appreciated.

This command is dynamically compiled by CMake when running on VTK and 
loaded into the CMake process.  It is built in a subdirectory called 
CMake under the main VTK build tree.  I suspect that the command failed 
to compile correctly since the slashes were wrong in the Makefile.  The 
forward slashes it generates should have been okay.  What compiler are 
you using?
