[Cmake] VTK + Cmake + borland

Matt Schmiermund matt at plasticflow.com
Wed, 14 Apr 2004 11:39:43 -0700 (PDT)

We are trying to use cmake for some vtk stuff done in
c++. The only compiler on the system is Borland.

I went through alot to even get to this point, but
when trying to create a Borland Makefile we get this
error message:

"VTK was built using "msdev", but Testing is using

Vtk 4.2
Cmake 1.8
Borland 5.5
Windows XP

Vtk was installed with the included installer. Is this
our problem? Does it need to be built with Borland for
this to work correctly? 

I'm hoping it is something more easily fixed. But one
way or the other any help is appreciated.

-Matt Schmiermund