[Cmake] Setting different compiler flags for Debug vs
Release builds
William A. Hoffman
billlist at nycap . rr . com
Fri, 17 Oct 2003 12:05:35 -0400
At 06:10 PM 10/16/2003, Mathews, Rob wrote:
>Thanks, I'd be happy to give it a whirl.
>But, how to you use it to set a different runtime library? It turns out to
>be pretty important to be able to set the RuntimeLibrary tag in the .vcproj
>file ...
You set the run time library with the /M* flags in the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS.
Here is the mapping to the runtime flags:
if(flags.find("MTd") != flags.npos)
runtime = 1;
else if (flags.find("MDd") != flags.npos)
runtime = 3;
else if (flags.find("MLd") != flags.npos)
runtime = 5;
else if (flags.find("MT") != flags.npos)
runtime = 0;
else if (flags.find("MD") != flags.npos)
runtime = 2;
else if (flags.find("ML") != flags.npos)
runtime = 4;
This way the same CMakeLists.txt file should work for visual studio 7 and 6.
>While we are here, there is a problem with .IDL files as well. Cmake
>generates this for .IDL files:
> <Tool
> Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
> AdditionalOptions=" /TP "
>It should generate:
> Name="VCMIDLTool"
> AdditionalOptions=""
I will look at this problem as well.