[Cmake] hardcoded prefix for QT_WRAP_UI inputs

Ian Scott ian.m.scott at stud.man.ac.uk
Mon May 19 05:28:31 EDT 2003

> From: David Thompson [mailto:dcthomp at sandia.gov]
> 	I have a QT ui file, blah.ui, that I've created using
> that some example text gets set to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX path.
> Because the file is generated and placed in my out-of-source build
> project_BINARY_DIR, the Makefile complains that there is no
> rule to make
> ${project_SOURCE_DIR}/blah.ui. If I try to specify the full path,
> ${project_BINARY_DIR}/blah.ui, to QT_WRAP_UI the Makefile looks for
> ${project_SOURCE_DIR}/${project_BINARY_DIR}/blah.ui ... is this a
> feature?

Probably not.

The QT wrapping commands in cmake were not written by the main CMake
authors, and since they don't use them, you'll have to put up the QT mods
authors' less than ideal response....

Franck (author of QT_WARP_UI) and I (author of QT_WRAP_CPP) do not currently
have the time to maintain/enhance these commands beyond their basic
operation - with which there hasn't been any problem recently. We suggest
looking at the CMake Source. The QT_WRAP_* commands are really quite simple.

Sorry we can't be more help.


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