[Cmake] Re: [vtkusers] Error while building VTK 4.2.1 with CMake on Linux

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Mon Mar 10 13:37:55 EST 2003

It should be something like this:

gdb /usr/local/bin/ccmake
gdb) cd /path/to/your/build
gdb) run ../VTK-4.2.1

At 12:51 PM 3/10/2003, Joseph Barraud wrote:
>I have downloaded a file called cmake-1.6.5-x86-linux-static-files.tar.gz from the ftp site of Kitware. Then I extracted everything in /usr/local/.
>I am sorry to show my ignorance (I WOULD like to be an user of ITK, not a developper) but how do you run ccmake in gdb ? :-)
>At 12:26 10/03/2003 -0500, Bill Hoffman wrote:
>>Well, that is a completely different story....
>>Is this a binary cmake that you downloaded from Kitware, or did you build it?
>>Can you run ccmake in gdb, and see if there is any information on
>>where the crash is?
>>At 11:51 AM 3/10/2003, Joseph Barraud wrote:
>>>You are perfectly right. This error message is in the CMakeError.log. In fact, ccmake just says "segmentation fault" and that's all.
>>>Here is my CheckLibraryExists.cmake :
>>># Check if the function exists.
>>># CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS - macro which checks if the function exists
>>># FUNCTION - the name of the function
>>># VARIABLE - variable to store the result
>>>    MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for ${FUNCTION} in ${LIBRARY}")
>>>               ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}
>>>               ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CheckFunctionExists.c
>>>               CMAKE_FLAGS
>>>               OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT)
>>>    IF(${VARIABLE})
>>>      MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for ${FUNCTION} in ${LIBRARY} - found")
>>>      SET(${VARIABLE} 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Have library ${LIBRARY}")
>>>    ELSE(${VARIABLE})
>>>      MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for ${FUNCTION} in ${LIBRARY} - not found")
>>>      SET(${VARIABLE} "" CACHE INTERNAL "Have library ${LIBRARY}")
>>>      WRITE_FILE(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeError.log
>>>        "Determining if the function ${FUNCTION} exists in the ${LIBRARY} "
>>>        "failed with the following output:\n"
>>>        "${OUTPUT}\n" APPEND)
>>>At 11:22 10/03/2003 -0500, Andy Cedilnik wrote:
>>>>Hi Joseph,
>>>>The error you are referring to should never be displayed. It is written
>>>>into a file called CMakeError.log. Have you modified Modules from CMake
>>>>directory? Could you please send me your CheckLibraryExists.cmake?
>>>>Thank you.
>>>>                        Andy
>>>>On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 11:03, Joseph Barraud wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Thanks for your answer.
>>>>> I am using the latest version of Cmake (1.6.5). My purpose is to instal ITK
>>>>> with all the available options and demonstration applications. So I started
>>>>> with the installation of Cmake, then GCC_XML, Cable and FLTK (with the
>>>>> options shared libraries and threads activated). So I am at the "VTK
>>>>> stage". Everything worked fine so far (I hope so).
>>>>> To run the process, I have "untared" the source file, then I made a
>>>>> directory vtk-build. I launched ccmake from this directory with:
>>>>> ccmake ../VTK-4.2.1
>>>>> The error occurs before the display of all the options in ccmake.
>>>>> I have the latest Mandrake (gcc 3.2.2) and I have installed almost
>>>>> everything concerning development. I do have pthread.h in /usr/include and
>>>>> a number of files called thread-something in various places. I don't
>>>>> understand what's wrong with this pthread_create that seems to be a very
>>>>> basic function.
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