[Cmake] Building DLLs

Ian Main Ian Main <ian-cmake at stemwinder . org>
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 00:42:02 -0800

So, thanks to all your help I got roy building on unix now all spiffy

Now, I've moved onto getting it working on windows.  I've been building
on win2k using MSVC++ 6.0.

I can build it fine with static libs, however, I added:

SET(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "ON" CACHE BOOL "Turn on to build shared libraries.")

So that I could build shared libraries.. If I enable this on windows though
I get problems.  My setup is actually a lot like the example Hello one.  I have
libroy building along with some other libaries and some tests that need to link
to it.  With shared libs on I get:

cannot open file "roy.lib"

So obviously it is still trying to link against the static version.

Another odd thing happens when I try to use the DLL for zlib.  I select it in the
configuration and I get:

cannot open file "E:\cvs\zlib\dll32\zlib.dll.lib"

Now I'm probly missing something, and I know there's a lot more magic involved
with DLLs than with .so's..

Any Ideas?

Oh, I gather it's not possible to build both shared and static libs?  That's
generally what us unix folk do, though I'm not sure why I suppose :)

