[Cmake] Cmake, a deployment question...
Bill Hoffman
bill . hoffman at kitware . com
Fri, 25 Jul 2003 10:03:48 -0400
The Makefile cmake generates does depend on cmake.
It is required to keep the dependency information up-to-date.
Also, the makefiles are configured for a particular system, and
can not reliably be moved from machine to machine. So, you really
can not use cmake in that fashion.
At 09:56 AM 7/25/2003, Nick Ton wrote:
>I was wondering if the Makefiles that cmake generates still relies
>on cmake for additional processing? The reason is that most of our
>deployment machines belong to our customer's. So there will be no
>opportunities to install CMake. We would just package our source files
>and the Makefiles and hand them over to the customers. Is there any
>issues in using cmake in this fashion?
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