[Cmake] Errata : Bug:in wrap tcl - Was Problem with LoadCommand

John Biddiscombe jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Tue Jan 7 08:09:41 EST 2003

The LoadCommand is working as expected. The error is occuring when
VTK_WRAP_TCL2 is executed and it seem that my fix (now in vtk cvs), which
dates back to cmvtkWrapTclCommand2.c revision 1.2 has been merged (without
conflict) on my local tree and no longer works correctly. The version I have
checked in compiles ok, but the Current source file pointer is mostly null
all the time (?) so it causes crashes.

I'm scratching my head here trying to figure out what I need to modify to
make the fix mentioned before work again...if one of you chaps at kitware
has a few spare minutes, I'd be very grateful for help.



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