[Cmake] headers in project files?

Klaas Holwerda kholwerd at xs4all . nl
Fri, 24 Jan 2003 00:08:53 +0100

Bill, .

Should it also work with this ??

AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY( ${docview_SOURCE_DIR}/include/docview includes )
ADD_LIBRARY( ${DOCVIEW_LIB_NAME} docviewref.cpp  includes   )

When i add one of the header files in there, like down here,  it is oke


The problem is that the header files are in a different directory then 
the source files.
I will get a very long "ADD_LIBRARY"   line, with long paths.

Or is there a better solution for this?



Bill Hoffman wrote:

>Actually, I think what Klaas wants is the visual studio project to have
>the header files in it.   This is very simple, you just add them as
>source files for the library or executable that you are building.
>Something like this:
>ADD_LIBRARY(foobar foobar.h foobar.cxx)