[Cmake] use a static library

imho imho at skynet.be
Thu Feb 27 08:58:59 EST 2003

thanks, but I still have problems.
I explain :
I work on a project who needs itk, vtk and qt.
We have something working on windows, and I try to compile it on linux, 
but we use Kuebler's vtk_qt  library,
so I need to build this for linux first.
That's what I've done (making a libvtk_qt.a ) but now I still have 
linking problems.

I've joined my cmakelists and error listing.

Thanks for helping

Andy Cedilnik wrote:

>If you want to create static library:
>ADD_LIBRARY(foo STATIC source.c source1.c...)
>If you want to link static library to your project:
>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(bar /path/to/foo/libfoo.a)
>				Andy
>On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 06:59, imho wrote:
>>How do I link a static .a library on linux with cmake?
>>Cmake mailing list
>>Cmake at public.kitware.com
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