[Cmake] unix like Makefile
Bill Hoffman
bill . hoffman at kitware . com
Wed, 27 Aug 2003 09:03:10 -0400
In 1.6.7 and 1.8.0 there was no option for Unix makefiles from with
windows cmake. If you are using cmake for cygwin, you can get the
cmake built for cygwin from the cygwin setup program.
In cvs cmake, I have added support for unix makefiles from the windows
GUI. Just curious, what compiler/make are you trying to use?
At 08:32 AM 8/27/2003, Dino wrote:
>I have installed "cmake-1.6.7-x86-win" on my Win-2K box.
>I am trying to generate a unix like Makefile through the CMake utility.
>I see the option of:
>1) Borland Makefiles
>2) NMake Makefiles
>3) VC Makefiles
> .....but I don't see any option for Unix like Makefile.
>How can I generate a Unix like Makefile using the CMake utility.
>Any guidance would be appreciated.
>Thanks & Regards,
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