[Cmake] Question regarding CMakeCache.txt
Bill Hoffman
bill . hoffman at kitware . com
Fri, 01 Aug 2003 17:04:16 -0400
The following works :
However, note that the Cache file will NOT be changed. However, you will
get correct behavior. To change the cache file, you have to use
FORCE option for the SET command.
At 04:46 PM 8/1/2003, Anton Deguet wrote:
>I am trying to "propagate" my CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX from one project to another. I have a source tree with the code of my libraries which I compile in a separate build tree. Whenever I compile an application based on this library, I include a myLibrary.cmake which has been generated from a myLibrary.cmake.in which contains:
>I checked the generated myLibrary.cmake and the prefix is correct. Then, in the CMakeLists.txt of my application, I include my library's configuration file (INCLUDE(myLibrary.cmake)) and nothing happens. Everything that I found so far is that I need to either run ccmake or edit the CMakeCache.txt file. Is there a more automatic way to "inherit" this value from a project to another? Anyway to modify this value from a CMakeLists.txt?
>Also, I tried to set CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE to ON by default in my CMakeLists.txt and I can't. I guess this is a related issue.
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